What exactly are strengths?
Strengths aren’t the same as talent. Andy Murray has a natural talent for tennis, but it is not the technical or physical abilities that separate him from other top tennis players. What separates him are his strengths. It is Andy’s grit and resilience that make him one of the best tennis players in the world. If you delve a bit more deeply into Andy Murray’s life experiences, you will find that throughout his life he has applied these strengths – from the Dunblane shooting in his hometown to becoming the first Brit to win Wimbledon in 77 years.
In his book “Authentic Happiness,” positive psychologist Martin Seligman defines strengths as traits that can be acquired, while talents are innate. He goes on to say that moral strengths such as integrity, honesty and will are also values in action and that these strengths can be seen across different situations over time.
Why are strengths important?
Talents can only take you so far in your role. When you are starting out, talents such as technical and analytical abilities are important, but as your career progresses and you become more successful you will find that you move from using your talents to utilizing your strengths more.
I experienced this during my years working in banking. As I moved up the ladder, two of my strengths became especially crucial to my role: learning agility and perseverance. My learning agility allowed me to find roles that involved building businesses and would continue to challenge me. My perseverance allowed me to deal with change management effectively and to bounce back from two major economic events – the bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2001 and the global economic downturn in 2008. These were the same strengths that gave me the confidence to leave my comfortable career in banking to pursue the riskier path of becoming an entrepreneur.
Identifying strengths
Everyone has strengths but few people know which ones they possess. Being able to identify your strengths is a valuable tool– especially when it comes to leadership. Successful leaders spend most of their time developing their strengths and applying them in the workplace while simultaneously managing their weaknesses. By understanding their strengths fully, they are able to focus more clearly on what they are good at.
Leaders are also able to use this skill to identify strengths in others. When I was managing a global team, the technical abilities of my team were quite similar. However, the individuals who tended to perform better were those who displayed optimism and hope, as they were better able to overcome setbacks and frustrations. Moreover, they viewed failure as temporary and something that can be changed as opposed to attributing the failure to someone or something else.
So how do you go about identifying strengths? Here are a few tips:
1. Self-Assessment - A quick way to discover your strengths is to take the “Brief Strengths Test” created by Martin Seligman at www.authentichappiness.org. This test takes just a few minutes to complete and measure 24 different strengths. Once you have your list of strengths, ask yourself the following questions:
- In what areas of my life do I use these strengths?
- How can I use more of my strengths at work so I am more fulfilled in what I do?
- What has made me stay in a role where I have not used my strengths? What was the result?
Once you’ve identified your strengths, it is important to make them actionable by converting the strengths into nouns. Take these nouns and create “I am” statements such as “I am honesty” and “I am perseverance.” This will help with the next step –creating an action plan to put your strengths to good use.
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