There’s no doubt working with people is stressful. Workplace teams most typically include members who didn’t choose each other and represent a vast array of personality styles. Bring workplace politics, change, and uncertainty into the mix and you have a recipe for disaster. Low morale, health problems, absenteeism, high turnover and low productivity become the unwelcome results.
Even partners who chose each other and are highly compatible will typically show signs of relationship strain over time.
Management consultants often compare business partnership to marriage. In many respects, the metaphor is apt: both entail money, both require trust, and both involve a continuous effort to work with someone else to accomplish a mutual goal.
Contributor Amanda Neville, however, believes that business partnerships can be even harder than marriage. She raises good points:
- We typically spend more hours at the workplace than at home.
- Workplace interactions are often intense because the stakes are high and many of the variables we must contend with are beyond our control.
- If a marriage becomes strained, work can become a kind of a respite. But if work relationships are strained, there may be no escape.
However, in the new book The EROS Equation, relationship expert Eve Eschner Hogan offers a set of strategies that can help to strengthen good relationships and can help strained relationships (whether work-related or personal) to mend.
Her formula is this: Event + Response = Outcome & Solution (E+R=O&S).
As Albert Einstein once said, Hogan notes: “Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.” In short, Hogan presents a new mindset for examining differences. “Change your Response and you change the Outcome,” she says. Rather than looking outside ourselves for solutions—desperately wanting the other person to change—look inside. Change your own words, thoughts and actions, and the outcome will also change (and the relationship will strengthen).
With this caveat in mind, here are some of the key words of advice Hogan offers to entrepreneurs about the EROS formula:
- The number one obstacle in relationships: Ego Battleships. The fact that ego is at the core of most relationship problems is not surprising. The real discovery here, according to Hogan, is that when we understand the nature of ego we can work with it instead of against it to harness great power in accomplishing relationship goals. “The ego is a form of self protection,” says Hogan. “When you understand what the ego’s self-talk is actually protecting you from, you can make a better decision.” For example, a member of your audience or staff meeting looks bored and is clearly falling asleep. The ego’s “self-talk” suggests your presentation is boring or that the person sleeping your discussion away is rude or even dismissive of the things you say. The natural instinct of ego would be to feel defensive or angry or to assume your presentation has failed. But what if there are other reasons for the listener’s seeming non-interest? Perhaps he or she was caring for a sick child the night before, but didn’t want to miss the discussion. Now you can see the scenario in a new light and enact a different result. Instead of calling the individual out (or silently brewing), perhaps you can call for quick stretch or a break, or find the opportunity to speak to the individual to see how they are doing and learn what is actually happening before you react or respond.
- When you respond to a partnership challenge, you have four primary options: Negotiation, Resistence, Acceptance, or Getting Out.
- Negotiation may be successful in changing another person’s behavior (however in relationships, bear in mind that this is an option that places the power for your happiness in someone else’s hands).
- Resistence is the least effective response, as it generally results in nagging, barbed comments, complaints, or passive aggressive behaviors, sulking or even revenge, as a means of protesting the thing we don’t want. Resistence is a battle of egos for control, and amounts to a perpetual argument in which nobody wins. Every form of resistence leads to unhappiness and takes you further away from the result you desire.
- Acceptance can be the most powerful response, as it signals the ability and willingness to acknowledge “what is” without the demand or requirement for change. For example, what if a business partner is perpetually late to meetings? If you have come to the point you realize the person literally can’t or won’t change this characteristic, what alternatives now appear? Perhaps there can be a different division of labor, or an agreement that when family emergencies take precedence, the individual will join the meeting by phone as opposed to disrupting a client presentation by coming in late.
- Getting Out. There are times that ending a working relationship is the only viable option, particularly if there is a danger to the organization or to other individuals if the partnership continues, or if continuing would violate core values for you. Perhaps there’s a re-assignment that’s possible. Or perhaps or the working partnership is a combination of personalities that never should have occurred. Unwinding a partnership can be extremely difficult, but if there is no other creative or workable alternative, it is better to walk down the departure path with a productive mindset than to allow further angst and unproductive behaviors on either or both sides to occur.
- Integrity can provide you with guideposts. Your habits become your values and your values become your destiny, Mahatma Gandhi has said. What are your own core values? Author David K. Williams ( The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning) acknowledges that his own company’s defined values include Belief, Respect, Loyalty, Trust, Courage, Humility and Gratitude. Any decision an individual or team makes must be defended and aligned within the context of these core values before the group can proceed. Business will increase and partnerships will strengthen if you can take the time to agree upon and uphold a mutual commitment to your own core values as well.
- You (yes, you!) can become proficient at managing emotions and change. Even more important than the outcome of any relationship is our own self-mastery, Hogan says. When we learn to take responsibility for our approach to life’s circumstances, we become aware of how powerful we actually are. But until we can, we are perpetually “locked in” to the mindset of our partners’ real or perceived faults and how the only acceptable outcome requires your partner to change, or revolves around your vow to choose a different and better partner “next time.” However, by focusing on your own ability to master your own emotions and changes, you retain the power to fulfill the outcomes you choose, or to determine outcomes that are mutually beneficial to the partners and the organization involved. That perspective has a fundamental impact on your increasing success in any business (or in any relationship).
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