The holiday season is a great time to reflect on personal and
business achievements and set goals for the coming year. But a recent
University of Scranton study showed while more than 40 percent of
Americans admit to making New Year's resolutions,
only eight percent of us actually follow through and achieve our goals.
Experts say the reason for these failures is that many of us lack the
structure to support the behavioural changes our new goals require.
Follow these six tips and make your New Year's resolutions stick:
Limit the number of goals. Social psychologist Chris
Berdik, author of "Mind over Mind: The Surprising Power of Expectations"
(2013: Current Trade), says he makes a short list of resolutions every
year and claims the reason many of us fail to follow through with our
resolutions is that we simply make too many of them. "We only have so
much willpower to go around," he explains. Placing too many demands on
our willpower causes us to miss targets and throw in the towel
prematurely out of frustration. By selecting fewer goals, Berdik says
there are fewer opportunities to feel like we're failing and therefore
fewer demands placed on our limited supply of willpower.
Write it out. While writing down goals is a commonly used technique that forces a deeper level of commitment, sports psychologist Michael Gervais recommends
going one step further and also writing what might get in the way of
you accomplishing those goals. "This is where you begin to identify the
thoughts that are causing you to not go for it," he says. If you set a
goal to make 20 cold calls a day, but you have a fear of rejection,
state those fears then think about how you can change your negative
thoughts into positive ones, perhaps by stating before every call "I'm
the perfect fit for this client."
Set realistic goals. "The people that set the most
effective goals are ones that find the sweet spot between overwhelming
and uninteresting," says Gervais. While too small a goal won't create
enough charge, a lofty goal can cause us to become overwhelmed. If you
do set an ambitious goal, break it into smaller, more realistic chunks
with a detailed plan of how to achieve those micro-goals throughout the
Find a partner. "When my wife and I have the same kind
of goals we stick to those a lot better than if we have individual
goals," says Berdik. Sites such as stickK
allow you to create goals, invite others to view your progress and set
monetary stakes, creating a sense of accountability that can help you
stay on track.
Make goals tangible. Rather than stating, "I'm going to
eat a healthy diet," Gervais says making a tangible goal such as, "I'm
going to eat a vegetable with every meal," provides the brain with a
visual target to strive toward. "We create pictures [in our minds] that
provide the direction for future behavior," says Gervais.
Decide on a general theme for the year. What is this
year going to be about for you? Perhaps 2014 will be the year of
balance, or the year of health, or the year of reach. Decide upon a word
that will become the theme of what drives you throughout the year and
make a mind map drawing, connecting your goals to that general idea. "We
want to be able to create a focused energy so that we can use our
limited daily resource of energy towards that theme,
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