Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The HeArt of Business Leadership - Thrive 2013

Bringing you this news means re affirming business leadership in Nigeria

Many business people work very hard to achieve their visions and dreams, but lack of valuable information has been identified as a limiting factor in their quest for desirable result“. The recently concluded 3rd edition of Thrive hosted by Harvesters was created to be the platform for addressing this information gap.
The event featured Thrive Business Clinic in which a panel led by Tonye Cole (Co-founder and Executive Director of Sahara Group) engaged participants in an interactive Q&A session. Other panelists include Jude Anele (a senior executive in Diamond Bank), Ope Filani (General Manager, Sales (West Africa), ABN 360 Group), George Agbonlahor Jr (Serial Entrepreneur), and Shadrach Madlion (an Agriculture Entrepreneur and former UNEP consultant).
“The HeArt of Business Leadership” lead guest speaker Dr. Sam Chand, who is a renowned speaker, author and leadership guru, capped the sessions with insights on how to grow and lead in business. One major point that cuts across all the speakers at the summit is that a good business leader is one that takes his goals and his team’s goals into consideration at all times.
The event gave participants a practical and detailed process for leading in business locally and internationally. It laid emphasis on why Business leaders must increase their leadership capacity, pain capacity, exposure capacity, and risk capacity. With focused and direct explanations, the speakers concluded that weak character is the major reason why a lot of people fail in business, as opposed to competence. It is believed that the people who gain the most are the risk takers of their generation, risk taking is thus a major leadership trait that all business leaders and aspiring leaders must possess. If you do not want to outgrow leadership, you need to continuously seek knowledge of both the immediate and extended environment.
The interactive session provided moments that allowed everyone including the audience to share their experiences, challenges and success stories in business. Thus, addressing the practical aspects of the Nigerian business terrain, while identifying avoidable pitfalls.

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