When you start a company with no brand name and not much of track record, it can be difficult to find a client
willing to give you a chance, much less pay you full price for your
product. Few will take a risk on a new company that may not even be
around next year.
Many startups overcome this hurdle by giving away their product
for free in exchange for the experience and the cachet of having the
client’s name on their roster.
This isn’t a direction I wanted to go in because I staunchly
believe our products provide a real and measurable value. As a result,
when my co-founder Andrew Waage and I first started Retention Science
more than two years ago, we were on a mission to find a believer,
somebody who is willing to take a chance with us.
Landing the first big deal is perhaps the most critical and
challenging task for any young company. You have to identify that unique
prospect who is willing to take a gamble, give you candid feedback
along the way and maintain a genuine interest in helping you grow your
company. Does such people exist? Yes, they are just a rare breed.
It took me at least three months to network my way to David Yeom,
vice president of marketing for The Honest Company. The firm, which
makes nontoxic and ecofriendly family products, was co-founded by
actress Jessica Alba and Brian Lee (who also founded LegalZoom.com and
From the beginning, my strategy was honesty (it’s not lost on me that
being honest with The Honest Company is the ultimate cliché). I never
hid or downplayed the fact that I had a brand-new company without many
successful case studies under its belt.
My tactic was to take the time to help David understand who I am as
an entrepreneur and just how determined I was to help him achieve
success. I pledged that if he gave me a chance to earn his trust and
business, I would do everything within my control to ensure that we
would be successful together.
Nothing can replace the power of being genuine and developing a
trusted partnership with your first customer. Not only can he or she
become your biggest advocate, but that person can be invaluable in
helping you fine-tune your product along the way -- something at times
more important than the revenue itself.
I’ll admit that I was lucky that David Yeom was a very experienced
marketer who had previously worked for startups like HauteLook, as well
as for more mature companies like eBay. Having had positive experiences
engaging with smaller technology partners throughout his career, he
said, "They will work way harder to prove themselves and move faster to
achieve the necessary results to gain my business long-term.”
And that’s precisely what we did. He gave us an opportunity and
signed with Retention Science for six months. We worked around the clock
to ensure that we delivered on our promises and proved that the firm
could be a trusted partner. He and his marketing team provided us with
stellar feedback, and in the end we both benefited and learned from the
Fast-forward a year, and we now have a great working partnership and have entered into a long-term contract.
Closing your first big deal is anything but easy, especially when you
are asking a client to pay to bet on you. It doesn’t make good business
sense for most businesspeople; however, if you look hard enough, you
too can find one of those believers. It just takes a few of them to get a
fledgling business off the ground. I hope you don’t give up on finding
your “David.”
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