There are few things more important to a startup or small business
than growing sales, particularly when you’re ready to begin scaling. Yet
when it comes to hiring salespeople, there are number of signs that are
incredibly important to pay attention to but are often missed. These
signs are crucial as hiring the wrong person can have a devastating
effect on both your brand and bottom line.
These four points will help you better understand how to interview
and interpret the response from those who are seeking a job with you:
Make them comfortable. When you’re
interviewing someone, it’s their job to sell themselves to you --
regardless of whether they’re applying for a sales position. It’s your
job to understand who they really are as quickly as possible and cut
through the sales pitch. One of the absolute best ways to do that is to
make them as comfortable as possible by creating a very casual
environment and acting like the interview is no big deal. You’re just
there to make a new friend.
Do not go through their resume in front of them. Actually, when he or
she hands it to you, respond with, “I’m not interested in that stuff,”
and nonchalantly turn it over or place it in a folder. Now sit back in
your chair and casually chat for at least 10 minutes about their
non-working background. Ask simple followup questions to their responses
and you will be amazed what people will openly divulge when they get
Understand their story. You might be interested in a
candidate based on their previous experience or some incredible letter
of recommendation from Bill Gates, but that doesn’t mean they are a fit
for your team.
Where did they grow up? How many siblings do they have? What’s their
favorite jelly? Keep the questions coming, and if they have a sales
personality, they should be able to talk at length about nearly anything
and keep you engaged. If getting them to freely answer questions is
equivalent to pulling teeth, the interview is over. Don’t waste your
time or theirs.
You can learn an awful lot about motivation and work ethic from their
backgrounds, particularly with respect to their family situation and
how they were raised. Be warned, however, do not ask if they are married
or have kids -- that’s against the law.
Identify the need. Do they need to work and be
successful at sales to live or to keep mom and dad off their back until
their trust fund matures? You do not want to hire a salesperson that
doesn’t have to work, as their “need” is non-existent. You do want to
hire salespeople that have the drive and passion for success,
particularly when their failure means that they can’t pay rent. This is
also the point at which you discuss their previous employment, but
remain casual -- you’re just two friends having coffee.
I’m not suggesting that anyone that comes from a family with money is
lazy or bad at sales. There are absolutely circumstances where parents
have raised their children to appreciate hard work and forced them to
hold a job as soon as they were legally allowed. I’m only pointing out
that those examples tend to be the exception.
Now make them uncomfortable. Ask them direct and
pointed questions about the wealth of information you just gathered from
their rambling. Do not be abusive, but don’t hesitate to be abrupt and
even interrupt them to throw them off track.
There are two reasons for this: the first is to put them on the spot
and get honest answers about their past and abilities, the second is to
see how they operate when they’re under pressure and flustered.
The sales environment is full of discomfort, interruptions, pointed
questions and roadblocks, and it’s your job to gather information so you
can be as prepared as possible to pull the trigger on the candidate
that has the best combination of expertise, history and personality for
your team.
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