Monday, 21 October 2013

When you stop learning, you start dying”

Hidden hunger – has three dimensions to it. We have
1. Body - this has to do with lack of some essential nutrients and vitamins in the body. This manifests in form of one ailments or the other such as scurvy which is deficiency of vitamin C. so, feed well to live well.

Soul : What you read is a food to your soul. Watch what you feed your soul with. Remember it is garbage in, garbage out, so read healthily. Watch films that are healthy for your life, relationship and destiny. Read wide for readers are leaders according to Bishop David Oyedepo. When you are not mentally satisfied, learning is the antidote.
When you feed your soul with junks, it will break down when you need it most. So, be wise. Read relevant materials in your line of interest. Many students failed in the examinations not because they fail to read but because they fail to read wisely and relevantly. Bishop David Oyedepo once said,” When you stop learning, you start dying”. Learning is the cheapest tool to deform failure.

3. Spirit ; There is something in everyman that is crying for expression towards divinity. Spiritual food belongs to this group of hidden hunger which everybody is in need of although not everybody believes (knows) it. The major source of this food is the Word of God.

When you feed your spirit with God’s word, it makes you healthy spiritually. It is not everything that comes your way that is food. Some are bait to your health, poisonous substance polluting your life and destiny. It is not every book that you should read, it is not every programme you should get yourself involved in. Some are bait to your relationship with God. So, watch it,

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